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Caritas helps families, individuals, and veterans in need through emergency services and case management programs.
Make A Donation
Caritas is able to provide hope to those in need, due to the generosity of community partners and donors like you. Before the pandemic, 26% of Waco families were living in poverty and unable to meet basic needs. Now, during this unprecedented time, more families than ever before, are needing assistance. Your support helps us provide people with not only hope, but food and other emergency services, and the case management resources needed to help them begin their journey out of poverty. Thank you for donating today to support our mission.
To make a donation by mail, please send a check or money order made payable to Caritas of Waco to: 300 South 15th Street, Waco, TX 76701.

Research and Data

Interactive Data

  • Map the Meal Child Food Insecurity Data provides child food insecurity estimates, food price variations and food budget shortfalls at the county and congressional district level. The study examines the relationship among known factors that impact hunger including poverty, unemployment, food prices and access to federal assistance programs. This study is conducted annually by Feeding America.
  • Texas Hunger Atlas, created by Feeding Texas, details the extent of hunger in every Texas county and the specific resources available locally to help families meet their food needs.
  • The Healthcare Costs of Food Insecurity , Texas is the second highest state per capita with an excess total healthcare cost associated with food insecurity at $233 per person. McLennan County has an excess healthcare cost associated with food insecurity of $53,594,339.

Studies and Reports



Making A Difference Together

"I support Caritas because we are all called to serve one another. There are so many ways to volunteer at Caritas and I choose to help with our annual fundraiser because it brings much needed money to the mission of Caritas to feed those in need in our great city of Waco. It's been a blessing and a pleasure to serve with other like-minded friends that also have a servant's heart."

Rose Blakenship, Feast of Caring Committee Member

Copyright © Caritas of Waco. All rights reserved.
300 South 15th St., Waco, Texas 76701
(254) 753-4593